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"I would highly recommend this program to anyone who is looking to improve their overall wellness and lose weight."

-MP, 20, Female

"This has been the healthiest and happiest I have felt with myself in years and I have you to thank for that!"
-ZB, 28, Male


“I am happy to recommend Ben as a Trainer and a Person. He is professional, timely, and plain and simple, he gives me my money’s worth.  He is willing and capable of making changes when I ask him.  I ask him to text me, not e-mail me and he does this with utmost timeliness.  Ben is a professional person with a very kind and attentive demeanor and I hope to keep training with him.  He is smart enough to meet the needs of any individual and I recommend him as a professional trainer and a good person, also.”
-LB, Female

"Initially I was a little leery that someone like Ben—young, in great shape, male—could understand the challenges of and roll out a program that could relate to an overweight woman pushing 60 who has battled the scale since her teens.... Ben's enthusiasm and passion was apparent from the start and his desire to help people is genuine. He knows diet crazes come and go and people need a lifestyle change but not so drastic that it turns people off or feeling defeated."

-MG, 57, Female

“Dear Ben, I wanted you to know that over the last few months you have helped me be more focused on my weight loss & work outs.  Since we started working together I can see a big improvement in my coordination, balance, & core strength.  I see a significant improvement in my over all health. 
Thanks for everything”

-TD, Male

“Ben helped me with general weight lifting to build muscle for the second half of my journey towards a healthier weight.  He knows my limits, but will not let me get lazy or let me short cut things to make them easier. He has given me great confidence to attempt new things and try different exercises no matter how difficult.  He motivated me to learn how to get up from the floor by myself without having to call 911. This has opened up many possibilities like yoga, foam rolling, or simply getting up if I fall down.”
-SD,46, Male

“I loved how Ben ran the program.  From beginning to end it was informative.  You put me in the driver's seat and charted the course. I am happy with the weight - loss plan.  I lost a solid 7 pounds so far, despite Christmas, food pushing restaurant friends, loss of my favorite walking trail, Russian Christmas, 2 bouts of flu and whip lash.I'm in the game.  I thought I could never do it but I did.  More to come.”

-KM, 62, Female

"A Life-Changing Experience with Ben, the Expert Exercise Physiologist

When it comes to fitness and health, finding the right guidance and support can make all the difference. As a 46-year-old male who has been exercising regularly since high school, I thought I knew what I was doing. However, my experience with Ben, an exercise physiologist with a bachelor's degree in exercise science, has been nothing short of transformative.

Ben's expertise goes far beyond that of a typical gym trainer. His in-depth knowledge and understanding of exercise science have allowed him to create a fully customized, professional exercise and weight loss routine tailored specifically to my needs and goals.

After undergoing a fitness assessment at the Cleveland Clinic, Ben constructed a four-day, step-by-step workout plan that has completely changed the way I exercise. My routine is still rigorous, but I no longer suffer from severe aches and muscle strains. Ben's guidance has taught me how and when to use my muscles and in what order, a significant departure from the traditional "exhaust one muscle group" approach.

As a middle-aged man, my exercise goals have evolved. While I still value being in shape and having definition, I now recognize that diet and resistance training contribute equally to achieving these goals. Ben not only provides the routine but also demonstrates each exercise step-by-step. Having someone walk you through the exercises is invaluable.

The best part, in my opinion, is the continuous progress. After three or four months, Ben rewrites your routine to prevent muscle memory, ensuring your exercises remain effective. In short, he keeps your muscles constantly working.

If you're serious about health and fitness, you would be crazy not to give Ben a try. He only has space for up to 30 clients, so my unsolicited advice is not to waste any time. Get in touch with Ben, get on his schedule, and make the commitment to live longer and feel better. My experience with him has been life-changing, and I am confident that yours will be too."
-DM, Male

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