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In- Person Services
Personal Training

1-on-1 training that allows for individual programming, assessing form, and cuing for optimal results. Beyond traditional training we will discuss ways to work toward your goals outside of the gym including nutrition, habits, and tips to improve your overall health and strive toward your goals!

Semi-Personal Training

If you want to continue working toward your goals in a comfortable environment without the cost of 1-on-1 training sessions there's not better route than our Semi-Personal Training packages! Once you've participated 1-on-1 for at least 3 sessions and have a basic routine you're eligible for the Semi-Personal Training packages. Your trainer will be present while supervising up to 4 individuals working on their own goals. This allows for the trainer to continue to give individual criticism and assist with form as well as offer new exercises, but at a much cheaper price! A great way for family and friends to have the comradery of working out together, but with the liberty of acheiving their own goals!

Online Services
Personal Training (via ZOOM)

Our online training provides 1-on-1 Zoom meetings to help you in reaching your fitness/health goals! It will cover topics such as nutrition, workout design, and other lifestyle habits that are essential for acheiving your goals.

Weight Loss Program (via ZOOM)

For those who want to become self sufficient in their short or long term weight loss goals! This program is designed to teach you the concepts of why some weight loss strategies work, and others don't; while simultaneously introducing these strategies into your lifestyle for long-term success. There are many ways to achieve weight loss goals, so if you gain a basic understanding of why different strategies are effective, you will be able to utilize ones that work best for you and recognize temporary "fads" that come and go within the industry.


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